Turning Point Health & Wellness, LLC
Let us be the turning point in your health
and wellness journey

Cryoskin Fat Reduction

Cryoskin: This is not another cream, scrub or massage. It's a proven biological process. Backed by science. The CryoSlimmingâ„¢ treatment uses cold temperatures to reduce fat. Customers usually lose over half an inch in the first session. Cryoskin works by using sub-zero temperatures to destroy body fat. We use this science to provide slimming, cellulite and facial treatments with incredible results.
Some fat loss and cellulite treatments can actually damage your skin. Where’s the sense in that? Cryoskin is completely non-invasive and uses science that works with your body’s natural systems. That’s why your Cryoskin sessions will be every 2 weeks, to ensure your bodies lymphatic system has time to recover leaving you to look and feel amazing.
Call 517-442-2986 to set up your consultation